Meet the Theatre and Art Faculty

Dr. Henry Brown Graham IV

Dr. GrahamDr. Graham在2007年来到CMU,之前他在艺术和考古领域有过一段漫长而有趣的职业生涯. Trained at Princeton University where he earned his A.B. in European Civilization and his M.F.A and Ph.D. 在艺术史和考古学方面,他首先在华盛顿大学任教. 路易 where his courses covered ancient through Renaissance art. While there he organized an exhibit of medieval illuminated manuscripts. 然后,在南佛罗里达大学的新学院,他设立了中世纪博览会,有10人参加,000 people and continues to this day, 带着31名学生去意大利参加了一个完整的欧洲工作坊项目, and became involved in underwater archaeology, 在缅因州的佩诺布斯科特湾潜水挖掘一艘美国革命战舰. 之后,作为圣安东尼奥三一大学艺术系主任,他开设了艺术史专业,并被任命为德克萨斯大学航海考古研究所的兼职教授&M University. In that capacity, 他参加了在地中海潜水发掘古罗马和中世纪沉船的工作.

After seventeen years as a university professor, Dr. Graham, with his wife Claudia and their three children, 他们决定在一艘33英尺长的帆船上安家,这艘帆船是他们为世界巡航而装备的. They sailed from Texas to the Florida Keys, the Bahamas, Bermuda, across the Atlantic to England, the canals of France, 意大利, Greece, Turkey, Israel, 西班牙, Madeira, the Canary Islands, and back across the Atlantic to the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, all in a voyage that lasted nearly six years, three of which were spent in the Mediterranean.

格雷厄姆一家后来在加州北部定居,在那里种植托斯卡纳橄榄. 格雷厄姆在一所中学教书,在那里他还负责天才和天才项目, produced a daily on-campus television broadcast, and sponsored the National Geographic Bee. In 2005, 格雷厄姆一家搬回了费耶特南部的一个农场,这个农场在他们家已经传了六代了. After building a house and settling in, Dr. Graham was appointed to teach at Central. 他也是Fayette Round Table Club的成员,也是Ashby-Hodge Gallery of American Art at Central和Fayette Area Heritage Association的执行委员会成员. In addition, 他发起并协调了6年的年度费耶特艺术节, a judged art show with an all-day program of musical entertainment, sponsored by the Fayette Area Heritage Association. The Festival continues and is now in its 12th year. In 2013, he was chosen Fayette Citizen of the Year and in the summer of 2019, he led a group of 25 on an art study tour of 意大利, France and the Netherlands.

At Central Dr. Graham teaches Art History I, Art History II, and Art Appreciation. Married since 1958, the Grahams have three children and six grandchildren.

Dr. Mark Kelty

Dr. Mark Kelty自2004年起担任博彩平台推荐小剧场教授兼总监. Dr. Kelty在CMU执导了60多部作品,在其他地方执导了更多作品. Since joining the faculty at CMU, 他将戏剧活动融入美国大学戏剧节,并多次担任戏剧节管理团队成员, served on the board at the Speech and Theatre Association of Missouri, 并在这两场活动以及密苏里州戏剧节上举办了研讨会. For the past eight years, 他曾带领CMU学生向CMU 101/102班的学生展示十大博彩平台健康关系的互动小短片, nearby high school and youth groups, as well as for conference presentations. Children’s Theatre presentations are now an annual event, 每年带着数百名小学生来到小剧场. All Little Theatre productions have been livestreamed since Fall 2020. 他之前曾担任InterAct青少年剧院的艺术总监, 1999年在锡拉丘兹的比瓦德剧院代表密苏里参加青少年戏剧节, N.Y., bringing home the Best Performance Award. 他在密苏里大学创立并担任“零钱玩家”的艺术总监, where he earned his Ph.D. in Theatre. He’s fluent in Spanish, has lived and worked in Latin America as a teacher, baseball player, and archaeologist. When time allows, 他是一名配音演员和舞台剧演员,有两个电影角色:詹姆斯·邦德电影《最大博彩平台》中的雷达操作员,以及简·方达和格里高利·派克在《最大博彩平台》中的一号记者.

教授. Lonna Wilke

Lonna WilkeLonna Wilke is a CMU alum - class of '89. Shortly after graduating from CMU, 她读了研究生,并获得了北卡罗莱纳大学格林斯博罗分校的艺术硕士学位,主修戏剧设计和技术. 她是克劳福德维尔沃巴什学院的风景/灯光设计师和技术总监, Indiana for five years after graduating, where she also taught Scenography and supervised student written, directed and designed productions. 90年代末,她回到密苏里州,为圣路易斯市中心的一家定制照明公司设计和工程照明,然后与密苏里州圣彼得斯的圣查尔斯社区学院签约,担任剧院经理, designer/TD and then theatre faculty for nearly 20 years. Lonna jumped at the chance to return to CMU in the fall of 2019 to design, 并向下一代戏剧专业的学生教授戏剧技术和设计课程.

在她的职业生涯中,她为100多部作品设计了布景和灯光. 她最令人难忘的一些设计是在沃巴什学院为美国天使设计的,在那里她遇到了剧作家托尼·库什纳. 沃巴什也是美国第一所被授予培养天使权利的学院或大学. 她还在圣查尔斯社区学院做了一个非常不同的和令人难忘的美国天使设计. Other memorable production designs include Scratch, Miss Evers Boys and As you Like It at Wabash College, Picasso at the Lapin Agile, Big River, 《最大博彩平台》和圣查尔斯社区学院《博彩平台推荐》的服装设计, and the musicals Fun  首页 and A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder at Central Methodist University.

In 2007 she began to try on the director’s had by directing short plays. 随后,她迅速投身于导演全长剧,如山姆·谢泼德的《最大博彩平台》, The Elephant Man and Tennessee Williams’s A Streetcar Named Desire. 她最近的导演作品是21年春天为CMU小剧场演出的《博彩平台推荐》.

In 2013, and after a nearly 30 year hiatus, 她拿起鼓槌,开始在南圣路易斯市的教堂里为敬拜团队演奏架子鼓和手打击乐. 她还学会了运行,工程和混合现场声音的崇拜和戏剧制作. 有一段时间,她为三个不同的乐队和教堂演奏和运行声音. For three years prior to relocating to Fayette, 她是她的UMC教会在密苏里年会上的俗人代表.

从2003年到2009年,她参加了圣路易斯大满贯的女子全接触半职业足球比赛. 她在中心工作了四年,实现了她一生的梦想,开始参加她喜欢的运动, but women were not allowed to play. When not in the theatre teaching students to build and paint scenery, she is relaxing at home or out on a trail with her 3 rescue dogs. 她还喜欢烹饪、烧烤、阅读和写短篇故事和小说.

Lonna has students who design, teach and work in theatre and film internationally, throughout the United States and on Broadway.